Auto Luminaries: Tim Mahoney

Despite what auto manufacturers would certainly like, cars don’t actually sell themselves. It takes hard work and determination for a particular model to not only be designed, tested, constructed, and mass-produced, but also reach drivers who are interested in it. That’s where marketing comes in – it’s not just about making interesting commercials, but connecting […]

Volkswagen Targets 2025 for New Benchmark in Electric Vehicle Sales

  When it comes to the creation of attention-grabbing automotive technologies, today’s headlines usually fall into one of the three categories. First, the continuing partnership between automakers and tech giants to transition humanity into the use of autonomous vehicles. Second (and infinitely more tangible) is the recent resurgence of high-powered cars, trucks and SUVs geared […]

The ‘Baby’ Jeep (What to Expect When You’re Expecting It…)

It would take an almost Paleolithic mindset for an automaker not to prioritize sustainability when evolving their lineup. Fortunately, there is no single path that leads to the creation of such offerings. As a result, any automaker’s efforts could reflect a blended approach consisting of any combination of powertrain enhancements, alternative fuels, and/or weight reduction. […]

Car Owners Explain Why You Should Never Opt for Aftermarket Parts

We’ve all been in that situation: a pricey aspect of your vehicle fails, forcing you to replace it. You’ll presumably research the GM parts (or any other applicable manufacturer) and find that these specific add-ons are rather pricey. You’ll subsequently come across some aftermarket parts that are considerably less expensive. However, does the fleeting financial […]

Three Rules of the BMW 7 Series

Have you ever seen the original “Transporter” movie? While one can never be sure whether or not the elite of your community would actually require your services as a “transporter,” finding the right BMW Dealership would be the ideal first step in pacifying your inner Jason Statham. Granted, you may have no immediate desire to […]

Jeeps of Fame and Fortune

Ever since they first emerged on highways, but first the battlefield more than 70 years ago, Jeeps have tugged on the heartstrings of all sorts of Americans, providing them with a sense of freedom, romance, and adventure. That’s why they continue to be one of the best selling cars in the U.S. They attract a […]