Do I Like the Ford Flex, or Not?

As someone who has safely and successfully raised a child to her pre-teen years from behind the wheel of a Dodge Charger, I was simply never someone who felt compelled to jump on the family-friendly bandwagon of minivan, crossover and SUV offerings. Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand (and appreciate) their practicality and wealth […]

Before You Decide…

Unless you’re a staunch brand loyalist (which many of us are) there is an inherent challenge in researching Trucks For Sale in order to determine which one is best for you. The iconic nature of the ‘big 3’ compels many prospective buyers to default to the likes of Ford, GM, and RAM but enticing upstarts […]

Why Go Further?

So, here you are…searching Ford dealerships online. My question is, “Why?” Please allow me to clarify: my question is not intended to cast aspersions on the Ford Motor Company or Ford dealerships. If (as stated in their motto) Ford wants you to “Go Further,” I’m going to suggest that you wait just a minute because […]